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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Top 12 Signs You are Listening to too Much Jpop

The Top 12 Signs You are Listening to too Much Jpop

12. When all your clocks are set to Tokyo Time.

11. You Dress like a Sailor even thought you are not in the Navy.

10. J becomes you favorite letter.

9. You answer the phone with “Konichiwa”

8. When you ignore cease and desist orders from David Letterman’s Production Company.

7. You intentionally add Js to words that do not have them. “Jman”

6. Moon Kana starts following you on Twitter.

5. You are a 35 year old American trying to start a Jpop band called Paparu Panda.

4. When you know who Moon Kana is.

3. You want to grow up to be just like Godzilla. Godzilla, proof it is sometimes easy to be green.

2. You will only eat with chop sticks.

1. You wished Django Unchained had more Karate Fights.

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